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Povidone iodine

2020-11-09 16:05:21
Povidone iodine


【Name of veterinary drug】

Generic name: Povidone iodine solution (for aquatic products)

Product name: Ling Iodine

English name: Povidone Iodine Solution

Chinese Pinyin: Juweitongdian Rongye

[Main Ingredients] Povidone Iodine

[Properties] This product is reddish brown liquid.

Farm disinfectant

【Pharmacology】Iodine-containing disinfectant. By releasing free iodine, it destroys the metabolism of bacteria and has a killing effect on bacteria, viruses and fungi.

[Function and use] disinfectant and antiseptic. Used for disinfection of aquaculture water bodies. Prevention and treatment of bacterial diseases caused by Vibrio, Aeromonas hydrophila and Edwards in aquaculture animals.

【Usage and Dosage】Based on this product. After diluting 300-500 times with water, sprinkle over the whole pool: treatment, one dose, 0.45~0.75ml per lm³ water, once every other day, for 2 to 3 times; prevention, 0.45~0.75ml per lm³ water, every interval Once on 7th.

[Adverse reactions] According to the prescribed usage and dosage, no adverse reactions have been seen.

[Precautions] (1) Prohibited when the water body is hypoxic.

(2) Do not use metal containers for storage.

(3) Do not mix with strong base substances and heavy metal substances.

(4) Use cold water fish with caution.

【Withdrawal period】500 degree days.



【Storage】Sealed and kept in a cool and dark place.

【Validity Period】2 years.

【Approval Number】Veterinary Drugs 101079048

[Executive Standard] "Quality Standard for Veterinary Drugs" (2017 Edition) Chemical Drug Volume

[Manufacturer] Jiangsu Kangbate Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.

[Address] 07 Daqiao West Road, Xinyi Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province

Next:Povidone iodine2020-11-09

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