Instructions for Glutaraldehyde Decamethonium Bromide Solution
Generic name: Glutaraldehyde Decamethonium Bromide Solution
Product name: Glutaraldehyde Decamethonium Bromide Solution
[Main ingredients] Glutaraldehyde, Decamethylammonium Bromide
[Properties] This product is a colorless to light yellow clear liquid with pungent and special odor.
[Pharmacological action] disinfectant. Glutaraldehyde is an aldehyde disinfectant that can kill bacterial propagules, spores, fungi, and viruses. Decamethylammonium bromide is a double-long-chain cationic surfactant. Its quaternary ammonium cation can actively attract negatively charged bacteria and viruses and cover their surface, hindering bacterial metabolism, resulting in a change in membrane permeability, and it is easier to enter with glutaraldehyde. The inside of bacteria and viruses destroys protein and enzyme activity to achieve rapid and efficient disinfection.
【Function and use】Disinfectant. It is used for the disinfection of breeding farms, public places, equipment and breeding eggs.
【Usage and Dosage】Based on this product. Dilute with water in a certain proportion before use. Spraying: conventional environmental disinfection, 1: (2000-4000) dilution; environmental disinfection when disease occurs, 1: (500-1000). Soaking: disinfection of instruments and equipment, 1: (1500~3000).
[Adverse reactions] According to the prescribed usage and dosage, no adverse reactions have been seen.
[Precautions] It is forbidden to mix with anionic surfactants.
【Withdrawal period】No need to formulate.
[Specifications] 100ml: Glutaraldehyde 5g+ Decamethylammonium Bromide 5g
[Packing] 500ml/bottle, 1000ml/bottle, 5L/barrel
【Storage】Sealed and kept in a cool and dark place.
[Validity period] 2 years.