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Compound Phenol 5L

2020-11-09 16:32:46
Compound Phenol 5L


Generic name: compound phenol

Commodity name: compound phenol

[Main ingredients] Phenol, acetic acid, dodecyl benzene sulfonic acid, etc.

[Properties] This product is a dark reddish brown viscous liquid; it has a special smell.

Veterinary disinfectant

[Pharmacological action] Compound phenol is a disinfectant and antiseptic. This product is a protoplasmic poison that coagulates and denatures bacterial protein and exhibits a bactericidal effect. 0.1%~1% solution has antibacterial effect, 1%~2% solution has the effect of killing bacteria and fungi, 5% solution can kill anthrax spores within 48 hours, and has a weak effect on viruses. Alkaline environment, lipids and soaps can weaken its bactericidal effect. Because phenol is highly toxic to animals and humans, it cannot be used to disinfect wounds and skin.

[Function and use] disinfectant and antiseptic. Used for disinfection of livestock houses and utensils.

【Usage and Dosage】Spray: make 0.3%~1% aqueous solution.

Soaking and washing: mixed into 1.6% aqueous solution.

[Adverse reactions] When the phenol concentration is higher than 0.5% to 5%, it can have a local anesthetic effect on the skin; a solution higher than 5% can have a strong irritation and corrosion effect on the tissue. Accidental swallowing of animals or large-area contact with phenol on the skin and mucous membranes can cause systemic poisoning, which manifests as central nervous system first excitement, then depression, and cardiovascular system suppression. In severe cases, respiratory paralysis can cause death. Symptomatic treatment should be given to poisoning. Phenol also has carcinogenic effects.

[Precautions] This product is irritating and corrosive to skin and mucous membranes.

【Withdrawal period】No need to formulate.

[Specifications] 41.0%~49.0% phenol, 22.0%~26.0% acetic acid (g/g).

【Packing】500g/bottle, 1000g/bottle, 5L/barrel

[Storage] shading, airtight, and keeping in a cool and dark place.

[Validity period] 2 years.


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Jiangsu Kangbate Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.

Contact: Manager Xu Tel: 17388041600

Company website: www.kbtxdj.com

Address: North of South Jinqiao East Road, 311 National Road, Caoqiao Town, Xinyi City, Jiangsu Province


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